Moving in… a slow process

Moving is a much slower process when you have a little one.  We closed on the house and then spent the next week in between the condo and our new home as we painted, frequented Home Depot, and slowly moved things into the house.  The POD was delivered on the Thursday before Easter.  Jeff and I moved a good bit of the smaller things in that night as I held Clara and used one arm to carry.  Let’s be honest, I am no longer much help.  A friend of ours from grad school who is now working for Intel as well came to help Jeff move some of the bigger items in on Friday.  Easter weekend was spent painting and making trips back and forth from the condo with the rest of our things.  We went to church on Easter morning and spent the afternoon at the house.  Our neighbors have been incredibly friendly and had invited us to join some of them in the park for a potluck lunch.  We made it just towards the end to introduce ourselves to some more of the neighbors. Monday night was our first night in the house.  We even managed to make a special dinner to commemorate– steaks, homemade mashed potatoes, and asparagus. We still have tons on the list of to-dos for the house but are just happy to be here now!




Pictured below is the “LumiDome.” Jeff recently located the paperwork for this gorgeous light fixture, and we found that it has a very apt name.



We painted Clara’s room a soft gray with an aqua closet and ceiling.  She seems to like it.



So much space to crawl…




Our attempt at a family photo on Easter.  Thanks to Jeff’s new tripod.



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