Extent of Reaction

As studying for Orals is coming to a fervent end I am reminded of the term in kinetics known as the extent of reaction.  This describes how far a certain process or reaction will proceed under the given conditions.  With my date with the committee set for tomorrow at 2pm, I find myself rapidly approaching this limit, my own “extent of study”.  After covering around 8 textbooks, 5 undergraduate courses and 8 graduate courses, I’m about spent.  Not to mention the time; most every night spent at a coffee shop until close along with the majority of Saturdays.  Thank God for rest on Sunday.




It has been a stressful few weeks and it has been particularly difficult the last day or two to temper that stress with God’s sovereignty.  We are told that we should not be anxious, but to instead to present everything before the Father with prayer and thanksgiving.  This is a beautiful principle to believe in, but a very difficult one to put into practice.  I find it easier for me to attempt to heap more stress upon myself and to ignore God’s gracious hand.  I know that, whatever the outcome, it is for His glory and my benefit.  I just hope He glories in my passing.