Honduras Fundraisers

Yesterday we held another fundraiser for Honduras.  We had a simultaneous car wash and part two of the rummage sale at the church.  It was a decent success (made ~$1350).  I really appreciated all the help from the congregation and from all the hard work from the participants of the trip.  We’re approaching halfway to our fundraising goal of approximately $20k.  God is good and we trust in Him for all our provisions.  Happy Easter!






Richards’ Farewell Party

The exodus has begun…

Friday was the Richards’ last night with us in Tucson.  Karissa was very gracious to host everyone over to say goodbye.  It’s sad that they moving on but I know it’s a good move for them.  Ben has been someone I’ve really looked up to here in Tucson.  I have learned a great deal from him both theologically and as a great example of Christian living.  He (along with the rest of the book group) have been very patient with me as a new Christian when I arrived here in Tucson, allowing me to join them and learn a great deal.  The Richards will be sorely missed by so many of us here in Tucson.

I think watching Ben finish up his degree and get a job out of Tucson made the eventuality of our leaving Tucson start to sink in more.  It’s always seemed so far in the future, but I guess it’s closer than I think.

Oh, did I mention Beau and Mary are back in town?  More on that later…


